Nov 30, 2007

SBU Marketing organizes workshop on 'Branding'

SBU Marketing arranged for a two day workshop on ‘Branding’ for the future marketer on the 23rd and 24th of November 2007. The workshop was conducted by Mr. Anand Halve, alumnus of IIMA and founder of the Chlorophyll brand & communications consultancy, Mumbai. The workshop talked about the nuances of branding, giving the participants a preview into how branding is done for various products ranging from eggs to newspapers. It gave them an opportunity to put on their creative hats and act as brand managers for specific products. The participants were divided into teams and each team was given the task of coming up with creatives for a specific product.

Mr. Halve has been in the thick of the advertising world for over 28 years now. He has extensive experience in advertising and research for advertising, having worked in Research and Account Management at major advertising agencies including Lintas, Rediffusion and Enterprise, before Chlorophyll. He has presented research papers on Communication topics at MRSI (Marketing Research Society of India) and is a regular visiting faculty at MICA (Mudra Institute of Communications, Ahmedabad), and IIMA (Indian Institute of Management, Ahmedabad). He has also authored a popular book ‘Planning for Power Advertising’, in the year 2005.

Mr. Halve critiqued the presentations and shared his views on them, making it a tremendous learning experience for the presenters. The workshop saw a huge turnout and was appreciated by one and all. Mr. Halve with his wittiness and good sense of humour, kept the participants in splits whilst recounting his experiences in the advertising world, spanning almost 25 years.


Unknown said...

gr8 job on this blog guys! keep it up!

Mihir said...

nice! :)