The finals of TBLA ’08, held recently at the Taj Hotel (Mumbai) saw the team from SPJIMR performing exceptionally well. ‘Team Sanchar’, consisting of Ashish Upadhyay, Raghava Attinuru, Sunrita Bhowmik and Swagata Basak from the PGDM programme won the First Runners Up award at this event.
TBLA ’08 witnessed about 230 registrations from the top 7 Business Schools in India, which TAS visits for placements. Fifty-six entries made it to the campus defence round. The SPJIMR round witnessed a record high of 14 entries at this stage. The top team from each campus made it to the final round, where the SPJIMR team eventually finished second.
The judges for TBLA presentations were Mr. Allen Rosling and Mr. Ishat Hossain, Executive Directors of Tata Sons. For finishing runners-up, ‘Team Sanchar’ received a cash award of Rs. 50,000 and a bunch-load of goodies from the Tata Group Chairman, Mr. Ratan Tata.
When asked to comment on their exceptional performance, the team members expressed their unanimous thanks to all their well wishers from the institute for helping them achieve this feat. Special mention was made of Prof. Jiban Mukhopadhyay (Professor, Economics Department) for guiding the team throughout and being a personal witness to their glory. Once again, congratulations to the winning team and wishing them all the best for their future.