The festivities kicked off with a gala opening ceremony that included hoisting of the games flag, lighting of the ceremonial torch and an oath taking ceremony by all the team captains in true Olympic style. The games were then declared open by Dr. Sesha Iyer, Director of SPJIMR. Sports ranging from cricket and football to badminton and throw-ball were conducted during the event.
After two days of excitement and festivities, SPJIMR walked away with the tag of overall SPRINT ’08 champions with an excellent all-round performance. On the whole, all the matches were played in the true spirit of the game and gave an insight into the athletic prowess of B-school participants. Special commendations go out to the Sports Committee for their excellent handling and execution of the event. We, at SPJIMR hope that SPRINT becomes a permanent fixture of the annual calendar and enhances its scope and size year after year.
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